
Showing posts from July, 2018

1) 3 Act Structure, Vladimir Propp, Genre

The 3 Act Structure The three-act structure is a model used in narrative fiction that divides a story into three parts , often called the Setup, the Confrontation and the Resolution. Some people like to call them beginning, middle, and end, which is not inaccurate. The point of the acts is to make sure that the story evolves and the stakes get higher. The first act is where all the major characters of the story are introduced, plus the world where they live in, and the conflict that will move the story forward. In Act I, the writer has the freedom to create any setting and reality that he so wishes. It’s in the first pages of the script that he defines the reasoning and logic of the story. This early in the script, anything is possible. The second act is by far the longest, encompassing half of the movie and taking place between the first and third acts. For some screenwriters, Act II is the hardest one to squeeze out. This happens because after the initial boost of a new stor